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Chopin's men (1/2)

Part of Frédéric Chopin's correspondence has been lost. Nevertheless, hundreds of pages of letters from the pen of the Polish composer have been handed down. Many are full of declarations of love, especially his numerous letters to Tytus Woyciechowski.


So far, Chopin's relationship with the emancipated and free-spirited female writer George Sand has been described - and glorified. Only the famous journey to the then exotic Mallorca reads quite differently in the writings of Chopin and Sand: Sand writes that it was a torture for her, and anguish for him.

The homoerotic relationships that Frédéric Chopin had with men, on the other hand, are little known to this day. Even in the most recent biographies they are hardly mentioned or are reinterpreted. And even recent translations of his Polish letters contain mistranslations in the relevant places.

A great journey through the private life of Frédéric Chopin in two parts.

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